Photo of juana kofman Argentina

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Curriculum Vitae: JUANA Kofman was Born in Mendoza Province, Argentina Republic Titles: pharmacists Faculty of Sciences, National University of Cuyo. Studies: Drawing and Painting: Year 1999-2000: Drawing Humanities University-UNLP Ext. Prof. Martin Nogueira. Year 2001 - 2002: Painting Workshop, School of Humanities University-Dept-UNLP.Prof Ext. Rodolfo Remorini. Year 2003: Drawing and Painting, Fine...

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Photo of juana kofman Argentina

Curriculum Vitae: JUANA Kofman was Born in Mendoza Province, Argentina Republic Titles: pharmacists Faculty of Sciences, National University of Cuyo. Studies: Drawing and Painting: Year 1999-2000: Drawing Humanities University-UNLP Ext. Prof. Martin Nogueira. Year 2001 - 2002: Painting Workshop, School of Humanities University-Dept-UNLP.Prof Ext. Rodolfo Remorini. Year 2003: Drawing and Painting, Fine University UNLP Ext. Prof. Silvina Ulanio. Year 2004: Drawing and Painting Workshop-Culture-Secret University-UNLP Ext. Prof: Silvia Ulanio. Year 2005: Drawing and Painting-Director of Culture - Secret. of Ext.Universitaria-UNLP-Prof. Silvina Ulanio. Year 2006 Drawing and Painting-addr. Culture-Secret. of Ext.Universitaria-UNLP-Prof. Silvina Ulanio. Award - Mention, Exhibitions, Contests, Collective Selections Ao 2002. Salon III Friends Museum of Fine Arts, La Plata Jury Bs.As.Mencin acrylic / Web-Title: MeditandoPublic. Journal of College in mental doctor-Ao La Plata 2003.Galera Gauguin-City Art Bell-La Plata-Buenos Aires in Selected Works in acrylic painting. Title: Mamakay (maternity in Quechua language). Ao 2003. Exp.Ciclo 2003 - Group: Blooming Arts Fine Arts-Secret UNLP-Prof. Ext: Silvina Ulanio. Ao 2004. I Salon Painting Prov: Pettoruti-Pasaje Dardo Rocha-Assoc of the plastic artist Prov Bs Work in read s / web-Selec.en PinturaTtulo: Marqay (shelter from wind and cold, Quechua language). Ao 2004. Painting IV Salon Naval Center in La Plata Obra read / Canvas Select. in Pintura.Tt. Musical Pause. Ao 2004. Collective Exp-Cycle 2004 - Drawing and Painting Grup. Blooming Arts-Culture-Berisso House. Ao 2005. Painting Salon V-Rotary Club City BellSelec. Lecturer in Painting, 14 May. 2005-V Ao Salon of Painting. Naval Center La Plata-Selec.Expositora, from 20 May to 03 June. Ao 2005. Particip. Exp Painting the Balearic Center La Plata, from 22 to 26 June .. Ao 2005. Area 10 Salon Winter Fine Art Galery. As.Selec.Expositora Bs. June 19 to July 29 Ao 2005.Concur. PinturaCentenario National Univ of La Plata, Select. Speaker-Agos/2005. Ao 2005. "Salon stimulus' Assoc Plastic Artists "Province of Bs As" Selected Speaker ".Octubre/2005. Ao 2005." Collective exhibition "Blooming Arts" 07 to 18 November / Palacio Lopez Merino La Plata. 2005.-Foundation Ao Bollini Exhibicin 22 November. Selected as Speaker. Ao 2005. "Collective exhibition" Blooming Arts "23 Nov. to Dec. 2." Centro Balear "Silver. Ao 2005. Hall of Arts and Culture, Area 10 Fine Art Galer a. Bs As.Selec. Exhibitor 22 to 29 December. Ao 2005.Asoc.'s Artists Plastic-Province of Buenos Aires, Exp six leos "Central Hall Asoc Dic./2005. Ao 2006. "Incentive Salon" Fine Art Galley Area 10 "Bs" Selected Speaker "March 21/31. Ao 2006." Salon de Mayo "Artists Assoc Pl Province of Buenos Aires stico "Selected Speaker" May/2006. Ao 2006. "Expos. International Gallery of Friends of the Arts-2-Bs Year Award 2006. "Sala de Arte SMATA" Buenos Aires "From Artist to Amigo4" Selected Speaker "16 Junio/01Julio. Ao 2006. "Sala Saldivar" Mutual UPCN The Collective exhibition PLata July 18 / 18 August. Juana Kofman Mori Calle 10 No 1440 La Plata TEL 4-511660

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